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Game System Publisher DeveloperCategoryYear
10 of the Best Vol.1: Haunted HouseAcorn ElectronSinclair UserIJK Software
10 of the Best Vol.1: LanderAcorn ElectronSinclair UserD.A.C.C. Software
10 of the Best Vol.1: Space HikeAcorn ElectronSinclair UserMartin Hollis
10 of the Best Vol.2: Castles of SandAcorn ElectronSinclair UserMartin Hollis
3D AcornAcorn AtomMiscellaneous
3D AsteroidsAcorn AtomArcade
3D DottyAcorn ElectronBlue Ribbon SoftwareAcornsoft1987
3D DottyAcorn BBC MicroBlue Ribbon SoftwareSuperior Software1987
3D Four RowAcorn AtomGambling
3D MazeAcorn AtomTimedataArcade1981
3D PlotAcorn AtomMiscellaneous
747 FlightAcorn AtomBug-ByteSimulation1981
Acorn KongAcorn AtomArcade
Air SupremecyAcorn ArchimedesAcornsoftSuperior Software
Alarm ClockAcorn AtomMiscellaneous
AmazingAcorn AtomArcade
AmoebaAcorn AtomAcornsoftArcade1981
Arb.Prec.PowersAcorn AtomApplication
AsteroidAcorn AtomArcade
Asteroid BeltAcorn AtomArcade
AsteroidsAcorn AtomAcornsoftShoot'em Up1980
AstrobirdsAcorn AtomShoot'em Up
Atom Basic CompilerAcorn AtomECD-SEW Comp.WorkshopApplication
Atom ForthAcorn AtomAcornsoftMiscellaneous1982
Atom InvadersAcorn AtomBug-ByteShoot'em Up1981
Atom LispAcorn AtomAcornsoftApplication
Atom PilotAcorn AtomMiscellaneous1982
AtomCalcAcorn AtomAcornsoftMiscellaneous1982
Atomia AkornyAcorn AtomAdventure1984
Atomica SpacewarAcorn AtomShoot'em Up
AwariAcorn AtomGambling
AXR1 DemoAcorn AtomMiscellaneous
BackgammonAcorn AtomPC-World [MAG]Gambling1983
BackgammonAcorn AtomGambling
BadinAcorn AtomMiscellaneous
BallisticsAcorn AtomAcornsoftShoot'em Up1981
BallistixAcorn ElectronAcornsoftSuperior Software1989
BanditAcorn AtomGambling
BeetleAcorn AtomArcade
Bell HopAcorn AtomArcade

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