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Developer: Banpresto

View all games developed by Banpresto.

Developed games between 1991 and 2006.

View games developed for Arcade, Bandai WonderSwan Color, NEC PC-FX, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, Nintendo N64, Nintendo SNES, Sega Game Gear, Sega Genesis, Sega Nomad, Sega Saturn, Sony Playstation


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Most viewed Banpresto games:
 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (1994)
 Dragonball Z 2 - Super Battle (1994)
 Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (1995)
 Guardians / Denjin Makai II (1995)
 Oni - The Ninja Master (1995)
 Mazinger Z (1994)
 Ultraman (1991)
 Super Spacefortress Macross / Chou-Jikuu Yousai Macross (1992)
 Mobile Suit Gundam (1993)
 Air Gallet (1996)
 Denjin Makai (1993)
 Godzilla (1993)
 Macross Plus (1996)
 Super Slams (1995)
 SD Gundam Psycho Salamander no Kyoui (1991)
 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (1994)
 Mobile Suit Gundam EX Revue (1994)
 Metamoqester (1995)
 Ultra X Weapons / Ultra Keibitai (1995)
 Dragonball Z (1993)
 Mobil Suit Gundam Final Shooting (1995)

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