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Developer: Mass Media

View all games developed by Mass Media.

Developed games between 1995 and 2002.

View games developed for Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo N64, Philips CD-i, Sega Dreamcast, Sony Playstation 2


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Most viewed Mass Media games:
 Power Rangers: Lightspeed Rescue (2000) (Nintendo N64)
 Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness (2000) (Nintendo N64)
 Namco Museum 64 (1999) (Nintendo N64)
 Shrek Super Party (Microsoft Xbox)
 Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness (2000) (Sega Dreamcast)
 Namco Museum (2001) (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
 Pac-Man Collection (2001) (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
 Namco Museum (2000) (Sega Dreamcast)
 Bassmasters 2000 (1999) (Nintendo N64)
 Namco Museum (2002) (Microsoft Xbox)
 Namco Museum (2002) (Nintendo GameCube)
 Pac-Man Fever (2002) (Sony Playstation 2)
 Thunder in Paradise Interactive (1995) (Philips CD-i)
 Pac-Man Fever (2002) (Nintendo GameCube)
 Namco Museum (2001) (Sony Playstation 2)
 Shrek Super Party (Nintendo GameCube)
 Shrek Super Party (2002) (Sony Playstation 2)
 Jim Henson's Muppets Party Cruise (Nintendo GameCube)

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