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Robocop 2 - Amstrad CPC

Publisher:Ocean Software Ltd.  ?              No-Intro:N/A
Developer:Ocean Software Ltd.  ?              GoodName:RoboCop 2
Year:1990              TOSEC:Robocop
Category:Action              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download              Game Music:
Download (Game Boy)
Download (NES)
Download (Atari ST)

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Also on: Amstrad GX4000, Arcade, Atari ST, Commodore 64, Commodore Amiga, Nintendo Game Boy, Nintendo NES


In game image of Robocop 2 on the Amstrad CPC.
In Game
Title screen of Robocop 2 on the Amstrad CPC.
Title Screen
Box cover for Robocop 2 on the Amstrad CPC.
Box back cover for Robocop 2 on the Amstrad CPC.
Box Back
Cartridge artwork for Robocop 2 on the Amstrad CPC.
Top of cartridge artwork for Robocop 2 on the Amstrad CPC.
Cartridge Top
Artwork on the Disc for Robocop 2 on the Amstrad CPC.
Arcade Cabinet Marquee for Robocop 2.
Advert for Robocop 2 on the Amstrad CPC.
(Arcade Version)

RoboCop 2 is a series of video games published in the 1990s by Ocean and Data East for various home computers and video game consoles. They are based on the movie of the same name. Three different games were produced, each produced on two systems.

The version for the Commodore 64 and NES is a simple left-to-right scrolling platformer, in which RoboCop is required to collect/destroy at least two-thirds of the drug "nuke" in each level and arrest two-thirds of the suspects by running into them (in contrast to shooting them). If RoboCop does not manage to attain the required amounts of nuke or number of arrests then he has two chances in the game to prove his efficiency at a shooting range. If he succeeds, he may continue onto the next level. If he fails, or if both chances at the shooting range are already used up, he must repeat the level.

The ZX Spectrum and Amstrad GX4000 versions are also platform games, but offered movement in both directions (vertically and horizontally) as well as into various areas providing an element of exploration. There is also a number of puzzle sub-games that have to be completed to progress in the game.

The version for the 16-bit Commodore Amiga and Atari ST is similar in nature to the 8-bit Spectrum and Amstrad GX4000 versions, but contains completely different levels to take advantage of the extra power offered by these computers.

There is also an arcade-only version of RoboCop 2, developed and published in 1991 by Data East (who still held the rights to create arcade games based on the franchise), which allows up to two players at once (one controlling the original RoboCop, the other controlling a slightly purple-hued clone). The game follows the basic premise of the movie, but has some major sequential differences.[14]

It is mostly side-scrolling shoot-em-up, with some levels viewed from behind RoboCop and providing a targeting reticle with which to kill generic criminals.

Most viewed Amstrad CPC games:
 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990)
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 Rockford: The Arcade Game (1988)
 Saboteur (1986)
 Harrier Attack (1984)
 Hero Quest (1991)
 Short Circuit (1987)
 Cauldron (1985)
 Hunchback (1984)
 Mickey Mouse: The Computer Game (1988)
 Game Over (1987)
 Donkey Kong (1986)
 Rocky Horror Show (1985)
 WWF Wrestlemania (1991)
 Prohibition (1987)
 Bubble Bobble (1987)
 Rainbow Islands: The Story of Bubble Bobble 2 (1990)
 Tarzan (1986)
 Bored of the Rings (1985)
 Yie Ar Kung-Fu (1986)

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