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10-Yard Fight - Arcade

Publisher:Irem  ?              No-Intro:N/A
Developer:Irem  ?              GoodName:N/A
Year:1983              TOSEC:N/A
Category:Sports              MAME:10yardj
Controls:View              Commands:N/A
Game Manual:Download              Game Music:
Download (NES)

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Also on: MSX, MSX 2, Nintendo NES


In game image of 10-Yard Fight on the Arcade.
In Game
Title screen of 10-Yard Fight on the Arcade.
Title Screen
Printed Circuit Board for 10-Yard Fight.
Artwork for 10-Yard Fight.
Game Over Screen for 10-Yard Fight.
Game Over Screen
High Score Screen for 10-Yard Fight.
High Score Screen
Arcade Cabinet for 10-Yard Fight.
Arcade Cabinet Marquee for 10-Yard Fight.
Arcade Control Panel for 10-Yard Fight.
Control Panel
Advert for 10-Yard Fight on the Arcade.

An American football game. Each level starts on the kick-off with the player carrying the ball as far up the field as possible before being tackled. Then, as the quarterback, you can either run or pass the ball to a receiver. An intercepted pass earns a penalty of 20 yards. Running out of bounds stops the clock. Extra points after touchdowns can either be kicked or run into the end zone.

Game description from www.arcade-history.com


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