In the side-scrolling platform game, the player takes control of Strider Hiryu, a ninja-style warrior who must defeat a legendary being known as Grandmaster Meio. Meio has observed Earth from his dwelling in a far off galaxy, and has created a space station (known as 'The Third Moon'), between Earth and its original moon in order to rule earth and continue observation. The year is 2048. Armed with a sword known as a 'Falchion', Hiryu must travel around the globe (including the Soviet Union and the Amazon Rainforest) to find and destroy the evil being. Throughout his travels Strider encounters many power-ups, including robotic animals called 'Options' (a hawk and a leopard) which help him defeat enemies. He also has the ability to latch onto walls and ceilings using a metallic hook; an aspect which set the game apart from other platformers.
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