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Starmaster - Atari 2600

Publisher:Activision  ?              No-Intro:N/A
Developer:Activision  ?              GoodName:Starmaster
Year:1982              TOSEC:Dishaster
Category:Shooter              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download              Game Music:N/A

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In game image of Starmaster on the Atari 2600.
In Game
Title screen of Starmaster on the Atari 2600.
Title Screen
Box cover for Starmaster on the Atari 2600.
Box back cover for Starmaster on the Atari 2600.
Box Back
Cartridge artwork for Starmaster on the Atari 2600.
Top of cartridge artwork for Starmaster on the Atari 2600.
Cartridge Top
Artwork on the CD for Starmaster on the Atari 2600.
Arcade Cabinet Marquee for Starmaster.

A cockpit view space shooter very similar to Star Raiders but not requiring a keypad. In your starship, you must warp to sectors of space containing enemy starships. Here you will engage and destroy them before they can surround and destroy your starbases. In a starbase sector, use your joystick to guide your reticle to the starbase when it is near you for repair and/or refueling. In a fight, you can take damage. If you see a L, it meas your lasers are out of commission. This mean you cannot fire (this is not good in a fight!). If you see a W, it means your warp drive is damaged. You will use twice as much fuel when warping. If you see an S, it means your shields are out. If you are hit again with no shields, you will be destroyed. If you see an R, it means your radar is damaged. You will not be able to see the enemies on the starmap until you get the radar fixed. All your starbases will still show with damaged radar except any that have been destroyed. When warping, if the screen at the bottom is green, you are headed to an empty sector. If it is red, you are headed to a sector with enemies in it. If it is blue, you are headed to a sector with a starbase in it. The game ends when either all the enemies are destroyed or you are destroyed. Your final score is determined by your base score plus 100 points per enemy destroyed minus 500 points per starbase destroyed minus 100 points per each time you docked at a starbase minus 1 point per stardate.

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