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Zenji - Atari 5200

Publisher:Activision  ?              No-Intro:Zenji
Developer:Activision  ?              GoodName:Zenji
Year:1984              TOSEC:Zenji
Category:Puzzle              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download              Game Music:

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Also on: Atari 8-bit, Coleco Vision, Commodore 64, MSX, MSX 2, Sinclair ZX Spectrum


In game image of Zenji on the Atari 5200.
In Game
Title screen of Zenji on the Atari 5200.
Title Screen
Box cover for Zenji on the Atari 5200.
Box back cover for Zenji on the Atari 5200.
Box Back
Cartridge artwork for Zenji on the Atari 5200.
Top of cartridge artwork for Zenji on the Atari 5200.
Cartridge Top
Arcade Cabinet Marquee for Zenji.

Let us call the "Many" the "Elements." Then let us see that in the vast blackness, beyond the beyond, the Elements assemble around the Source. Some are connected, some are not. Those united with the Source are green with energy, while the disconnected ones are an empty grey. The seeker must connect the Many to the One, thus turning all the Elements green with the power of the Source. In that instant, Zenji occurs.

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 Popeye (1984)
 Mario Bros. (1983)
 Defender (1982)
 Centipede (1982)
 Keystone Kapers (1984)
 HERO (1984)
 Berzerk (1983)
 Space Invaders (1982)
 Track & Field (1984)
 Millipede (1984)
 Pitfall (1984)
 Ms. Pac-Man (1983)
 River Raid (1983)
 Missile Command (1982)

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