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Missile Command 3D - Atari Jaguar

Publisher:Atari  ?              No-Intro:Missile Command 3d (world)
Developer:Virtuality Entertainment  ?              GoodName:Missile Command 3D (1995)
Year:1995              TOSEC:Missile Command 3D
Category:Shooter              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download              Game Music:

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In game image of Missile Command 3D on the Atari Jaguar.
In Game
Title screen of Missile Command 3D on the Atari Jaguar.
Title Screen
Box cover for Missile Command 3D on the Atari Jaguar.
Box back cover for Missile Command 3D on the Atari Jaguar.
Box Back
Cartridge artwork for Missile Command 3D on the Atari Jaguar.
Top of cartridge artwork for Missile Command 3D on the Atari Jaguar.
Cartridge Top
Arcade Cabinet Marquee for Missile Command 3D.

Missile Command 3D is an update to the classic Atari arcade game. The goal in Missile Command is to defend your cities against an onslaught of missiles coming from the sky. Your arsenal consists of three anti-missile flak cannons. You have to position the anti-missile clouds in the path of the incoming missiles to stop them from impacting.

This Jaguar game has 3 modes. First, there is a port of the original arcade game. There are neat extras for this mode like graphic backdrops and the ability to resize or scale the screen. The second mode is Missile Command 3D. This mode retains the gameplay of the original, but adds 3D graphics to the mix. The final mode, Virtual Missile Command, changes things up quite a lot. Instead of anti-missile flak, your cannons shoot lasers. This means you don't need to lead your targets anymore. You play the game from a first-person perspective, and must switch between the three cannons via buttons on the keypad. There are nine levels in this mode, each with a boss at the end.

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