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Astro Battle - Bally Astrocade

Publisher:Bally Mfg. Corp  ?              No-Intro:Astro Battle
Developer:Astrovision Inc.  ?              GoodName:N/A
Year:1978              TOSEC:Astro Battle (1981)(Astrovision)[b]
Category:Shooter              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download              Game Music:N/A

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In game image of Astro Battle on the Bally Astrocade.
In Game
Title screen of Astro Battle on the Bally Astrocade.
Title Screen
Box cover for Astro Battle on the Bally Astrocade.
Cartridge artwork for Astro Battle on the Bally Astrocade.
Arcade Cabinet Marquee for Astro Battle.
Advert for Astro Battle on the Bally Astrocade.
(Arcade Version)

Astro Battle is the Bally rendition of the arcade classic Space Invaders played at four levels of difficulty, with the higher skill levels featuring faster aliens dropping more bombs. Each wave pits you against thirty-two animated aliens (four rows of eight) moving from one side of the screen to the other, descending slightly each time they reach the edge of the screen. Four shields help protect you from their bombs. Every so often, a spaceship moves across the top of the screen. Blast it to score some extra points. Your current score and number of bases remaining are displayed at the top of the screen. You begin with three bases and are awarded an extra base after scoring 1000 points. No additional bases are awarded after that point. The game ends if the aliens land, all your bases are destroyed, or you destroy all six waves of aliens. Astro Battle was originally released under the name Space Invaders.

Most viewed Bally Astrocade games:
 Muncher (1983)
 Galaxian (1981)
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 Treasure Cove
 Star Battle (1977)
 Clowns (1978)
 Bally Pin (1977)
 Solar Conqueror (1983)
 I.C.B.M. Attack (1982)
 Checkmate (1978)
 Seawolf (1977)
 Red Baron (1978)
 Demolition Derby
 Wizard of War (1983)
 Pirate's Chase
 Panzer Attack (1978)
 Tornado Baseball (1982)
 Handball (1978)

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