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Commando - Commodore 64

Publisher:Elite Systems Ltd.  ?              No-Intro:Commando (USA)
Developer:Capcom Co., Ltd.  ?              GoodName:N/A
Year:1985              TOSEC:N/A
Category:Action              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download              Game Music:
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Also on: Amstrad CPC, Apple II, Arcade, Atari 2600, Atari 7800, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Mattel Intellivision, Microsoft DOS, MSX, MSX 2, Nintendo Game Boy, Nintendo NES, Sinclair ZX Spectrum


In game image of Commando on the Commodore 64.
In Game
Title screen of Commando on the Commodore 64.
Title Screen
Box cover for Commando on the Commodore 64.
Box back cover for Commando on the Commodore 64.
Box Back
Cartridge artwork for Commando on the Commodore 64.
Top of cartridge artwork for Commando on the Commodore 64.
Cartridge Top
Advert for Commando on the Commodore 64.
Game map for Commando on the Commodore 64.
(Sinclair ZX Spectrum Version)

You are Super Joe the cracked combat soldier of the eighties battling against all odds to defeat the advancing rebel forces. Equipped with only an M60 machine gun and six hand-grenades you carry out your lone crusade, forcing your way into hostile territory. Mortars, grenades and dynamite rain from the skies and explode around you. Enemy bullets fly past you in all directions, trenches, cliffs and lakes block your path. Rebel forces appear from caves, strong holds and troop carriers to stop your progress. You must show no mercy. You must not retreat. You must keep pushing yourself further and further into enemy lines, collecting supplies of hand-grenades from defeated outposts, until you reach your final objective, the fortress.

Have you got the skill and stamina to defeat the enemy?

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