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Double Dragon - Commodore 64

Publisher:Virgin Games, Ltd.  ?              No-Intro:Double Dragon (USA)
Developer:Technos  ?              GoodName:Double Dragon (2277)
Year:1990              TOSEC:N/A
Category:Fighting              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download              Game Music:
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Also on: Amstrad CPC, Arcade, Atari 2600, Atari 7800, Atari Lynx, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Microsoft DOS, MSX, MSX 2, Nintendo Arcade Systems, Nintendo Game Boy, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, Nintendo NES, Sega Game Gear, Sega Genesis, Sega Master System, Sega Nomad, Sinclair ZX Spectrum, SNK Neo-Geo AES, SNK Neo-Geo CD, SNK Neo-Geo MVS, Sony Playstation

Series: Double Dragon II - The Revenge (Arcade), Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (Arcade)


In game image of Double Dragon on the Commodore 64.
In Game
Title screen of Double Dragon on the Commodore 64.
Title Screen
Box cover for Double Dragon on the Commodore 64.
Box back cover for Double Dragon on the Commodore 64.
Box Back
Advert for Double Dragon on the Commodore 64.
Game map for Double Dragon on the Commodore 64.
(Sinclair ZX Spectrum Version)

Double Dragon TV Commercial (Sega Master System Version)

The player takes control of martial artist Billy Lee, or his twin brother Jimmy , as they fight their way into the turf of the Black Warriors gang in order to rescue their common love interest Marian. The player character has a repertoire of martial art techniques which they can perform by using the joystick and three action buttons (kick, jump, and punch) individually or in combination. Techniques ranges from basic punches and kicks, to more elaborate maneuvers like hair grabbing moves or elbow punches.

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 Pac-Man (1983)
 Defender (1983)
 Metal Gear (1990)
 Thundercats (1987)
 Wheel of Fortune (1987)
 Ghostbusters (1987)

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