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Laser Squad - Commodore 64

Publisher:Blade Software  ?              No-Intro:Laser Squad (USA, Europe)
Developer:Target Games  ?              GoodName:N/A
Year:1988              TOSEC:N/A
Category:Strategy              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download              Game Music:
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Also on: Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Microsoft DOS, Sinclair ZX Spectrum


In game image of Laser Squad on the Commodore 64.
In Game
Title screen of Laser Squad on the Commodore 64.
Title Screen
Box cover for Laser Squad on the Commodore 64.
Box back cover for Laser Squad on the Commodore 64.
Box Back
Advert for Laser Squad on the Commodore 64.

Laser Squad is by the same designer as Microprose's classic X-Com: UFO Defense. It brings to the table an immersive gameplay environment as well as many innovative ideas that weren't available in any other game of the time.

In Laser Squad you control a group of "marine"-like soldiers (and the occasional cyborg). Before taking them into battle, you must buy them weapons and armour with a predetermined amount of credits, taking into account the individual abilities of your squad. Unlike X-COM, the soldiers do not gain experience over time.

There are 3 missions in turn - in The Assassins you must face down Sterner Regnix and his guards, Moonbase assault challenges you to destroy the OmniCorp database, and Rescue From the Mines eschews violence in favour of a rescue mission. These are viewed from above and progress in turns. Laser Squad also features a 2-player "hotseat"-type gaming option.

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