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Mega Phoenix - Commodore 64

Publisher:Dinamic Software  ?              No-Intro:N/A
Developer:Creepsoft  ?              GoodName:N/A
Year:1991              TOSEC:N/A
Category:Shooter              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download              Game Music:
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Also on: Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Microsoft DOS, Sinclair ZX Spectrum


In game image of Mega Phoenix on the Commodore 64.
In Game
Title screen of Mega Phoenix on the Commodore 64.
Title Screen
Box cover for Mega Phoenix on the Commodore 64.

Mega Phoenix brings the concept of the earlier arcade game Phoenix into the 90s, to the extent that a coin-op version was later made by Gaelco. The game is a single-screen shoot ‘em up in which the player moves left to right while shooting several waves. There is a shield function available, which lasts for a short period of time (after which it must recharge to be used again) and it paralyses the craft while active.

The first waves consist of several small alien beings in a set pattern, which move down from the fleet towards the player at random intervals- contacts with these kills the player. Deadly phoenixes firing at you come next, followed by the Mega Phoenix itself and then a final boss, before it all repeats with higher difficulty.

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