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The Guild of Thieves - Commodore 64

Publisher:Rainbird Software  ?              No-Intro:N/A
Developer:Magnetic Scrolls  ?              GoodName:N/A
Year:1987              TOSEC:N/A
Category:Adventure              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:N/A              Game Music:N/A

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Also on: Sinclair ZX Spectrum


In game image of The Guild of Thieves on the Commodore 64.
In Game
Title screen of The Guild of Thieves on the Commodore 64.
Title Screen
Box cover for The Guild of Thieves on the Commodore 64.
Box back cover for The Guild of Thieves on the Commodore 64.
Box Back
Advert for The Guild of Thieves on the Commodore 64.
Game map for The Guild of Thieves on the Commodore 64.
(Sinclair ZX Spectrum Version)

Why buy this game when you could steal it? Except you can't. Not yet. An amateur like you? Come off it! Now, if you were a fully paid-up member of the notorious Guild of Thieves, things would be different. Mind you, it's not easy. You might find yourself ditched on a remote jetty by the Guildmaster. You might find that the Guild expects you to ransack a well guarded mansion. To go grave robbing. Potholing. Or maybe - if they're really doubtful of your abilities - everything at once! No problem, really, in a country full of helpful natives and friendly wildlife. Trouble is, you're not in a country like that. You're in Kerovnia. If you've played The Pawn, you'll remember Kerovnia. Except that the place seems to have gone downhill since then. But you'll find that out for yourself soon enough. And just one final hint - don't try any funny stuff. The Guildmaster has seen it all before. So has the Gatekeeper. So has the... But why should we give you any hints?

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