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The Last Ninja - Commodore 64

Publisher:System 3 Software  ?              No-Intro:Last Ninja, The (USA)
Developer:System 3 Software  ?              GoodName:Last Ninja , The (4284)
Year:1987              TOSEC:N/A
Category:Fighting              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download              Game Music:N/A

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Also on: Microsoft DOS


In game image of The Last Ninja on the Commodore 64.
In Game
Title screen of The Last Ninja on the Commodore 64.
Title Screen
Box cover for The Last Ninja on the Commodore 64.
Box back cover for The Last Ninja on the Commodore 64.
Box Back
Advert for The Last Ninja on the Commodore 64.

The secrets of the Niniitsu way had been jealously guarded for centuries, only once every decade were the scrolls seen at the ritual of the White Ninja.

None coveted these secrets more than the evil Shogun. Siezing the opportunity of the ritual he sprang a fiendish trap that destroyed the brotherhood, except for one . . . You. The Last Ninja.

Your sworn oath is to recover the scrolls, you travel to the mystical lands of the Shogun. Already his guards are mastering The ways of the Ninjitsu.

To reach the Shogun's Palace you must use allyour weapon craft and fighting skills as you travel through dangerous wastelands, magnificent gardens then descend into the direst dungeons before the final confrontation . . .You cannot fail. You are the Last Ninja.

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