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Vital Light - Commodore Amiga

Publisher:Millennium Interactive  ?              No-Intro:N/A
Developer:Efecto Caos  ?              GoodName:N/A
Year:1994              TOSEC:N/A
Category:Shooter              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:N/A              Game Music:

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Also on: Commodore Amiga CD32


In game image of Vital Light on the Commodore Amiga.
In Game
Title screen of Vital Light on the Commodore Amiga.
Title Screen
Box cover for Vital Light on the Commodore Amiga.
Box back cover for Vital Light on the Commodore Amiga.
Box Back
Top of cartridge artwork for Vital Light on the Commodore Amiga.
Cartridge Top
Artwork on the Disc for Vital Light on the Commodore Amiga.
Arcade Cabinet Marquee for Vital Light.

ital Light is one of those innovative games which only appear once a while. In this particular one, you have to control a small paint gun that contains five different colored paints, and destroy blocks that are falling toward you by making them all the same color. Your paint gun is on a roller at the bottom of the screen, and horizontal strips of colored blocks fall from the top of the screen at varying speeds. Holding down the fire button and pushing left or right changes the currently selected color, and sometimes you only just have enough time to get the right color before the blocks smash into you. As the blocks fall at varying speeds, there are times when an avalanche is set off by a slow block being hit by a fast moving block above it. This is a game that gets very, very frantic.

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