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Wings of Fury - Commodore Amiga

Publisher:Brøderbund Software  ?              No-Intro:N/A
Developer:Brøderbund Software  ?              GoodName:N/A
Year:1990              TOSEC:N/A
Category:Action              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download              Game Music:

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Also on: Amstrad CPC, Apple II, Commodore 64, Microsoft DOS, Nintendo Game Boy Color


In game image of Wings of Fury on the Commodore Amiga.
In Game
Title screen of Wings of Fury on the Commodore Amiga.
Title Screen
Box cover for Wings of Fury on the Commodore Amiga.
Box back cover for Wings of Fury on the Commodore Amiga.
Box Back
Top of cartridge artwork for Wings of Fury on the Commodore Amiga.
Cartridge Top
Artwork on the Disc for Wings of Fury on the Commodore Amiga.
Arcade Cabinet Marquee for Wings of Fury.
Advert for Wings of Fury on the Commodore Amiga.
(Commodore 64 Version)

The game is a horizontally scrolling shooter set over a number of World War II missions. The player starts each mission by taking off from an aircraft carrier, which he/she has to protect from attacks by Japanese planes. The goal is to defeat the Japanese by destroying enemy bunkers, turrets and barracks on a series of islands and killing enemy soldiers either with bombs or by machine gun. The weapons to complete these objectives, besides machine guns, are a limited number of bombs, rockets and torpedoes. On some missions, the player must also sink Japanese vessels, such as destroyers, battleships, and aircraft carriers. The player has a finite amount of fuel and munitions, which can be replenished by returning to the carrier. The player's aircraft can be destroyed by accumulated damage from enemy fire or by crashing into the terrain.

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