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Hypnotic Lights - Mattel Intellivision

Publisher:Mattel Electronics  ?              No-Intro:Hypnotic Lights
Developer:Mattel Electronics  ?              GoodName:Hypnotic Lights
Year:1981              TOSEC:Hypnotic Lights
Category:Puzzle              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download              Game Music:N/A

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In game image of Hypnotic Lights on the Mattel Intellivision.
In Game
Title screen of Hypnotic Lights on the Mattel Intellivision.
Title Screen
Box cover for Hypnotic Lights on the Mattel Intellivision.
Box back cover for Hypnotic Lights on the Mattel Intellivision.
Box Back
Arcade Cabinet Marquee for Hypnotic Lights.

A puzzle game -- move rows and columns of squares to line up matching colors.

While experimenting with Intellivision graphics, someone in the Design & Development department came up with a kaleidoscopic effect using sequenced GRAM. VP of Applications Software Gabriel Baum liked the effect, dubbed Hypnotic Lights, and asked programmer Steve Roney (Space Spartans) to work it into a game.

Steve's reaction was pretty much: yeah, right, what game? Marketing had a suggestion: something sort of kind of like a Rubik's Cube. That's what Steve sort of kind of gave them. But while Steve continued to tinker with it when not working on higher priority games (including B-17 Bomber, Aquarius Utopia and Space Shuttle), Hypnotic Lights was never elevated to "official" status.

Most viewed Mattel Intellivision games:
 Burger Time (1982)
 Sea Battle (1980)
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 Horse Racing (1980)
 Utopia (1981)
 Swords and Serpents (1982)
 Donkey Kong (1982)
 Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Cloudy Mountain (1982)
 B-17 Bomber (1982)
 Tennis (1980)
 NFL Football (1979)
 Auto Racing (1979)
 Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Treasure of Tarmin (1983)
 Tron: Deadly Discs (1982)
 Masters of the Universe: The Power of He-Man (1983)
 Dig Dug (1987)
 Zaxxon (1983)
 Centipede (1983)
 River Raid (1983)
 Dragon Fire (1982)

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