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Return to Zork - Microsoft DOS

Publisher:Unknown  ?              No-Intro:Return to Zork (1993)
Developer:Unknown  ?              GoodName:N/A
Year:Unknown              TOSEC:N/A
Category:Unknown              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download              Game Music:N/A

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Also on: NEC PC-FX, Panasonic 3DO, Sega Saturn, Sony Playstation


Box cover for Return to Zork on the Microsoft DOS.
Box back cover for Return to Zork on the Microsoft DOS.
Box Back
Artwork on the Disc for Return to Zork on the Microsoft DOS.

Return to Zork is a first-person adventure game using live actors and video sequences. The game is similar to Myst in interface; the player is also able to rotate the viewpoint to discover new areas and uncover items that can be used or picked up. Various characters will be met along the way and spoken to via a system of dialog choices. The game allows the player to experiment with items in various ways, including discharging them; however, this often leads to "dead ends", rendering it impossible to complete the game.

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