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Sid Meier's Pirates! - Microsoft DOS

Publisher:Unknown  ?              No-Intro:Sid Meier's Pirates! (1987)
Developer:Unknown  ?              GoodName:N/A
Year:Unknown              TOSEC:N/A
Category:Unknown              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download              Game Music:
Download (C64)

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Also on: Commodore 64, Valve Steam


Box cover for Sid Meier's Pirates! on the Microsoft DOS.
Box back cover for Sid Meier's Pirates! on the Microsoft DOS.
Box Back
Artwork on the Disc for Sid Meier's Pirates! on the Microsoft DOS.
Advert for Sid Meier's Pirates! on the Microsoft DOS.
(Commodore 64 Version)
Game map for Sid Meier's Pirates! on the Microsoft DOS.
(Commodore 64 Version)

Raid the Caribbean as a 17th-century pirate captain in this epic, open-ended seafaring adventure. Based on Sid Meier's original masterpiece, Pirates!, Sid Meier's Pirates! has you facing countless dogged enemies, wooing fair maidens and raising the Jolly Roger on the high seas in pursuit of riches. Discover what it takes to become one of the most famous pirates in history!

Firaxis' long-awaited Sid Meier's Pirates! carries on with the great game play tradition and design simplicity of the award-winning original while adding more challenging and exciting battle options, eye-popping 3D graphics, fantastic new audio, and loads of new game play features!

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