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Haunted House - Microsoft Windows

Publisher:Unknown  ?              No-Intro:Haunted House
Developer:Unknown  ?              GoodName:N/A
Year:Unknown              TOSEC:N/A
Category:Unknown              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download (Atari 2600)              Game Music:N/A

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Also on: Atari 2600, Microsoft Xbox Live Arcade, Valve Steam


Box cover for Haunted House on the Microsoft Windows.
Artwork on the Disc for Haunted House on the Microsoft Windows.

In 2010, a sequel by the same name was released by Atari who revamped Haunted House with updated graphics for Windows, the Wii, and Xbox Live Arcade. It was released for Windows on September 28, 2010,[7] for the Wii on October 5, 2010[8] and on Xbox Live Arcade on October 28, 2010. The game takes place 30 years after the original protagonist was implied to have mysteriously vanished inside the mansion, with his grandchildren searching for him inside the mansion.

An unofficial sequel to the game, titled "Return to Haunted House," was one of the several built-in games included in the second rendition of the Atari Flashback, a line of plug-and-play game systems. It used Adventure's source code and graphics and was not included on any other Atari Flashback releases.

A new installment of the series, titled Haunted House: Cryptic Graves, was announced on September 1, 2014[9] and was released on November 25, 2014 for the Microsoft Windows. [10] Upon release, the game received negative reviews from critics. [11]

Found Haunted House at GameEx Arcade

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