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Way of the Samurai 3 - Microsoft Xbox 360

Publisher:Spike  ?              Title ID:554F07D3
Developer:Acquire Corp.  ?              GoodName:N/A
Year:2009              TOSEC:N/A
Category:Action              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:N/A              Game Music:N/A

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Box cover for Way of the Samurai 3 on the Microsoft Xbox 360.
Banner artwork for Way of the Samurai 3.

The Games on Demand version supports English, French, German. The consequences of your actions will determine your fate. Choose to fight along side good or evil during the tumultuous time of the Sengoku Era and carve your name into history. Take the role of a samurai and choose your own path, blazing a trail of honor, loyalty and respect, or one of villainy, corruption, murder and greed. Become a hero or become infamous, the choice is yours. With over 15 different endings, every action has a reaction and the following consequences open up new paths to explore. Craft your own unique weapons from over 200 different parts, while discovering new skills and stances. Performing different feats rewards the player with Points and a Title, which in turn will unlock new features within the game. Fight honorably in the way of the samurai, live your life as a bandit or strive to uphold the government. These choices encourage multiple plays to unlock all content. You can further enjoy Way of the Samurai with the download contents available through Xbox LIVE.

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