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Darksiders - Microsoft Xbox 360

Publisher:THQ  ?              Title ID:545107E6
Developer:Vigil Games  ?              GoodName:N/A
Year:2010              TOSEC:N/A
Category:Action              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:N/A              Game Music:N/A

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Box cover for Darksiders on the Microsoft Xbox 360.
Banner artwork for Darksiders.

The Horseman cometh. You are WAR! Caught in an epic struggle between Heaven and Hell, the legendary Horseman is left with only one option- to fight his way out. Wielding the fearsome sword Chaoseater, War must carve a bloody trail through Angels and Demons alike to uncover a dangerous truth...one that may bring about the end of mankind. EXPLORE the streets of a hell-ravaged city or ascend crumbling buildings to face horrors in the sky above. CONQUER Hells most terrifying monstrosities using a host of supernatural abilities and devastating combat moves. DESTROY your enemies by unleashing the unstoppable power of your Chaos Form! Darksiders. HEADS. WILL. ROLL.

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