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Onechanbara - Microsoft Xbox 360

Publisher:D3  ?              Title ID:445007ea
Developer:TAMSOFT  ?              GoodName:N/A
Year:2009              TOSEC:N/A
Category:Action              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:N/A              Game Music:N/A

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Box cover for Onechanbara on the Microsoft Xbox 360.
Banner artwork for Onechanbara.

A thrilling action game in which you take control of the beautiful swordswoman Aya, dressed in a ten gallon hat and bikini, as she slices her way through hordes of undead. Use a series of stylish moves to defeat undead left and right! The splatter gauge, which fills as Aya is covered in enemy blood, and the resulting Rampage when the gauge reaches MAX remain intact! Greater customization of Aya and Saki has also been made possible. Not only clothing and HAIR, but now also eyes and lip color can be changed! "Onechanbara: Bikini Samurai Squad" retains all of the game systems popular to the series while taking thrilling combat to a whole new level! Aya and Saki are more beautiful than ever, facing off against new foes and aided by new friends as the story of the "Baneful Blood" heads toward climax.

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