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Gauntlet II - Nintendo Game Boy

Publisher:Mindscape  ?              No-Intro:Gauntlet II
Developer:Atari  ?              GoodName:Gauntlet II (U) [!]
Year:1990              TOSEC:N/A
Category:Action              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download (NES)
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Also on: Amstrad CPC, Arcade, Atari ST, Commodore 64, Commodore Amiga, Microsoft DOS, Nintendo NES, Sinclair ZX Spectrum

Series: Gauntlet (Arcade), Gauntlet Legends (Arcade), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (Arcade)


In game image of Gauntlet II on the Nintendo Game Boy.
In Game
Title screen of Gauntlet II on the Nintendo Game Boy.
Title Screen
Cartridge artwork for Gauntlet II on the Nintendo Game Boy.
Top of cartridge artwork for Gauntlet II on the Nintendo Game Boy.
Cartridge Top
Arcade Cabinet Marquee for Gauntlet II.
Advert for Gauntlet II on the Nintendo Game Boy.

Gauntlet II TV Commercial (Nintendo NES Version)

The gameplay is very similar to the original Gauntlet, a topdown dungeon crawl supporting up to four players. The biggest difference from the original game is that players can choose identical classes, instead of being limited to a particular one for each joystick.

The Game Boy version was praised by the German Play Time magazine for its technical implementation (including 8-directional scrolling), faithful recreation of graphics, and for evoking nostalgic feelings with similar sound effects, however this version was criticized for difficult-to-recognize sprites and its technically weak theme music.[

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