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Adventure Island 3 - Nintendo NES

Publisher:Hudson Soft  ?              No-Intro:Hudson's Adventure Island III
Developer:Hudson Soft  ?              GoodName:Hudson's Adventure Island III
Year:1992              TOSEC:Adventure Island 3
Category:Action              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download              Game Music:

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Also on: Nintendo Game Boy


In game image of Adventure Island 3 on the Nintendo NES.
In Game
Title screen of Adventure Island 3 on the Nintendo NES.
Title Screen
Box cover for Adventure Island 3 on the Nintendo NES.
Box back cover for Adventure Island 3 on the Nintendo NES.
Box Back
Cartridge artwork for Adventure Island 3 on the Nintendo NES.
Top of cartridge artwork for Adventure Island 3 on the Nintendo NES.
Cartridge Top
Arcade Cabinet Marquee for Adventure Island 3.

The gameplay and the design haven't much changed since Adventure Island II. There is a world map, you can choose items before starting a level, the levels themselves are quite short (unlike Adventure Island, where each large level contained several stages). You perform standard "adventure island" activities: ride various types of dinosaurs, throw boomerangs at snails, birds, snakes and skulls, collect grapes and apples, jump over stones and, of course, ride your old trusty skateboard.

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