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Racket Attack - Nintendo NES

Publisher:Jaleco Ltd.  ?              No-Intro:Racket Attack
Developer:Tose  ?              GoodName:Racket Attack
Year:1988              TOSEC:Racket Attack
Category:Sports              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download              Game Music:

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In game image of Racket Attack on the Nintendo NES.
In Game
Title screen of Racket Attack on the Nintendo NES.
Title Screen
Box cover for Racket Attack on the Nintendo NES.
Box back cover for Racket Attack on the Nintendo NES.
Box Back
Cartridge artwork for Racket Attack on the Nintendo NES.
Top of cartridge artwork for Racket Attack on the Nintendo NES.
Cartridge Top
Arcade Cabinet Marquee for Racket Attack.

This is no amateur hour. This one's for keeps. The national finals. Will you play tough enough to hear the umpire call "point, set, match!" A million eyes bore into you from the stands. Moments to start... RACKET ATTACK has made you a pro, the toughest, most awesome champ ever to hit center court. You've a power serve and a ferocious backhand. You're fearsome at the net and in the backcourt. On clay or grass you attack. But your opponent knows your game. And he's ready. Screams go up as you step to the base line. It's 100 degrees. Your service. You launch it like a rocket. Ace... Let... Fault! The umpires' call reminds you to hang tough and be consistent. 15 love... 30 love... 40 love... MATCH POINT. Sweating, you grip your racket. The crowd hushes. Can you deliver an ace? Bear down. Psych up. Get tough!

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