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Son Son - Nintendo NES

Publisher:Capcom Co., Ltd.  ?              No-Intro:Son Son
Developer:Capcom Co., Ltd.  ?              GoodName:Son Son
Year:1986              TOSEC:Son Son
Category:Adventure              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:N/A              Game Music:N/A

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(Arcade Version)
In game image of Son Son on the Nintendo NES.
In Game
Title screen of Son Son on the Nintendo NES.
Title Screen
Box cover for Son Son on the Nintendo NES.
Cartridge artwork for Son Son on the Nintendo NES.
Arcade Cabinet Marquee for Son Son.
Advert for Son Son on the Nintendo NES.
(Arcade Version)

SonSon (Japanese: ?????) is an arcade video game by Capcom released in July 1984. It is loosely based on the novel Journey to the West. The player assumes the role of a monkey boy (who is patterned after Sun Wukong from the story) and fights their way from one side to another, eventually reaching the statue of Buddha. One battles bats, rats, and mad bombers along the way with his stout fighting rod that shoots balls of fire. The game was ported from the arcade to the Nintendo Famicom in Japan. A sequel, entitled SonSon II, was released for the PC Engine.

The game is a 2-D sidescrolling platformer. The screen scrolls automatically, only stopping to fight major enemies. The screen features six continuous platforms that occasionally feature small gaps. Sonson and Tonton walk automatically across these platforms. Pressing up or down will cause them to jump up or down to the next platform. Pressing left causes them to move more slowly than the screen scrolls, essentially continuing to move forward but at a reduced pace. Pressing right does the opposite - SonSon and TonTon will move across the platforms faster than the screen scrolls. The duo have only one attack - the ability to fire energy blasts from their stalves. Touching an enemy or an unfriendly projectile causes the player to lose a life. If a player has any additional lives, they will return to the screen riding on a cloud that will give them temporary invincibility. If the player presses the control stick in any direction, the cloud will disappear and the character will resume its usual walking mode. The cloud will eventually disappear on its own if the control stick is not used.

Power-ups come in the form of various fruits which produce points (with enough points giving the player an extra life). Gathering certain fruit will cause all enemies currently on a screen to turn into point-bearing fruits. Walking across certain platforms will randomly cause a bamboo shoot to sprout, yielding many extra points.

It is possible to play the game co-operatively with partner who plays as TonTon (who is Zhu Wuneng in the original story).

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