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Star Wars - Nintendo NES

Publisher:Namco Limited  ?              No-Intro:Star Wars
Developer:Namco Limited  ?              GoodName:Star Wars
Year:1987              TOSEC:Star Wars
Category:Adventure              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download              Game Music:

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Also on: Amstrad CPC, Arcade, Atari 2600, Atari 8-bit, Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, GCE Vectrex, Microsoft DOS, Nintendo Game Boy, Sega Game Gear, Sega Master System, Sinclair ZX Spectrum

Series: Return of the Jedi, The Empire Strikes Back (Arcade)


In game image of Star Wars on the Nintendo NES.
In Game
Title screen of Star Wars on the Nintendo NES.
Title Screen
Box cover for Star Wars on the Nintendo NES.
Box back cover for Star Wars on the Nintendo NES.
Box Back
Cartridge artwork for Star Wars on the Nintendo NES.
Top of cartridge artwork for Star Wars on the Nintendo NES.
Cartridge Top
Arcade Cabinet Marquee for Star Wars.
Advert for Star Wars on the Nintendo NES.

Star Wars TV Commercial:

Only the people who made the movie could bring you this much action and adventure... Control your favorite Star Wars heroes - Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia. Enlist the help of Obi-Wan Kenobi, C-3PO, and R2-D2. Outfight and outsmart the intergalactic bad guys - stormtroopers, jawas, Banthas, bounty hunters, sinister droids, and more. Explore the spectacular worlds of Star Wars - from the Tatooine Desert to the Mos Eisley Spaceport to inside the Death Star. And if you get very, very good... destroy the Death Star and save the Rebel Alliance from Darth Vader!

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