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Lawnmower Man - Sega CD

Publisher:Time Warner Interactive  ?              No-Intro:N/A
Developer:Sales Curve  ?              GoodName:Lawnmower Man, The
Year:1994              TOSEC:Lawnmower Man, The
Category:Action              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download              Game Music:

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Also on: Nintendo Game Boy


In game image of Lawnmower Man on the Sega CD.
In Game
Title screen of Lawnmower Man on the Sega CD.
Title Screen
Box cover for Lawnmower Man on the Sega CD.
Box back cover for Lawnmower Man on the Sega CD.
Box Back
Artwork on the CD for Lawnmower Man on the Sega CD.
Artwork on the Disc for Lawnmower Man on the Sega CD.
Arcade Cabinet Marquee for Lawnmower Man.

Based on the 1992 feature film, The Lawnmower Man is a collection of minigames based on the revolutionary virtual reality sequences seen in the movie. The plot parallels the central conflict - the player controls Dr. Angelo (Pierce Brosnan) as he heads into cyberspace to confront the psychotic digital god Jobe (Jeff Fahey) he has created.

As the ruler of his digital domain, Jobe shifts and manipulates the virtual world into a series of challenges to test the player. These range from digital IQ tests, chase sequences requiring precision timing for jumping and ducking, and a tunnel flight as one of the virtual jets from the movie. Characters from the movie are also digitized by Jobe into willing henchmen, and must be defeated by the player in a series of quick time events.

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