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Vay - Sega CD

Publisher:Working Designs  ?              No-Intro:Vay
Developer:Sims Co., Ltd.  ?              GoodName:N/A
Year:1994              TOSEC:N/A
Category:Role-Playing              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download              Game Music:

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In game image of Vay on the Sega CD.
In Game
Title screen of Vay on the Sega CD.
Title Screen
Box cover for Vay on the Sega CD.
Box back cover for Vay on the Sega CD.
Box Back
Artwork on the CD for Vay on the Sega CD.
Artwork on the Disc for Vay on the Sega CD.
Arcade Cabinet Marquee for Vay.
Advert for Vay on the Sega CD.

It came from space more than a millenium before. Two-tons of advanced technology, programmed only for destruction. The five mightiest wizards of the land joined forces and drew away the power of the battle machine, dividing the power into 5 orbs and sealing the armor away from humanity. Now, the Danek Empire has partially duplicated the fearsome mechanized technology, creating a deadly army of metal warriors programmed for world domination. The only hope for salvation is to find the legendary orbs and restore power to the armor that nearly destroyed the planet more than 1000 years before. Join Sandor as he begins a quest that will take him from the depths of Magmal Isle to the terrifying heights of Draktyr.

Fight over 100 types of monsters, explore towns, and enjoy exciting CD animation scenes as you pursue the orbs that will activate the legendary armor of Vay. But, will the armor save your world, or destroy it forever?

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