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Fighting Vipers - Sega Model 2

Publisher:Sega  ?              No-Intro:N/A
Developer:Sega  ?              GoodName:N/A
Year:1995              TOSEC:N/A
Category:Fighting              MAME:fvipers
Controls:N/A              Commands:N/A
Game Manual:Download (Sega Saturn)              Game Music:
Download (Sega Saturn)

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Also on: Arcade, Sega Saturn

Series: Fighting Vipers 2 (Arcade)


Advert for Fighting Vipers on the Sega Model 2.
(Sega Saturn Version)

Fighting Vipers TV Commercial (Sega Saturn Version)

A 3-D fighting game.

Game description from www.arcade-history.com

Most viewed Sega Model 2 games:
 House of the Dead (1997)
 Daytona USA (1993)
 Sega Rally Championship (1995)
 Super GT 24h (1996)
 Manx TT Superbike (1995)
 Behind Enemy Lines (1998)
 Dead or Alive (1996)
 Virtua Cop (1994)
 Virtua Striker (1994)
 Motor Raid (1997)
 Desert Tank (1994)
 Wave Runner (1996)
 Virtua Cop 2 (1995)
 Sonic The Fighters (1996)
 Over Rev (1997)
 Sega Touring Car Championship (1996)
 INDY 500 Twin (1995)
 Sonic Championship (1996)
 Virtua Fighter 2 (1995)
 Sky Target (1995)
 Sega Water Ski (1997)

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