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Ghostbusters - Sega Nomad

Publisher:Sega  ?              No-Intro:Ghostbusters
Developer:Sega  ?              GoodName:Ghostbusters (W) (REV01) [!]
Year:1990              TOSEC:N/A
Category:Shooter              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download              Game Music:

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Also on: Amstrad CPC, Apple II, Atari 2600, Atari 8-bit, Commodore 64, Microsoft DOS, Microsoft Xbox 360, MSX, MSX 2, Nintendo NES, Sega Genesis, Sega Master System, Sinclair ZX Spectrum


(Amstrad CPC Version)
In game image of Ghostbusters on the Sega Nomad.
In Game
Title screen of Ghostbusters on the Sega Nomad.
Title Screen
Box cover for Ghostbusters on the Sega Nomad.
Cartridge artwork for Ghostbusters on the Sega Nomad.
Top of cartridge artwork for Ghostbusters on the Sega Nomad.
Cartridge Top
Advert for Ghostbusters on the Sega Nomad.
(Sinclair ZX Spectrum Version)

If you thought the Ghostbusters went out of business after their last victory - you're wrong! The ghosts are back in town! Peter, Raymond and Egon are back on their feet and ready to save the world. But again ghostbusting requires a lot of money, a lot of equipment and of course, a lot of guts. Are you daring enough to guide the Ghostbusters throughout their mission? Are you determined enough to solve the dreaded mystery of the missing stone tablet? Once you step into the world of fiends, there's no turning back! Ghosts, ghouls, goblins - you name it. They all await your arrival. So before you head out, don't forget to stock up on powerful weapons. It's the only way to take control!

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 Ariel the Little Mermaid (1992)
 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (1996)
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 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (1994)
 Aladdin (1993)
 Ghouls'n Ghosts (1989)
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 Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team (1995)
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 Robocop vs. the Terminator (1993)
 Spider-Man: The Animated Series (1993)
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 X-Men (1993)
 Golden Axe II (1991)
 Home Alone (1992)
 Zombies Ate My Neighbors (1993)

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