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Shadowrun - Sega Nomad

Publisher:Sega  ?              No-Intro:Shadowrun
Developer:BlueSky Software  ?              GoodName:Shadowrun (U) [!]
Year:1994              TOSEC:N/A
Category:Role-Playing              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download              Game Music:
Download (SNES)
Download (Sega Genesis)
Download (Sega CD)

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Also on: Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo SNES, Sega CD, Sega Genesis


(Nintendo SNES Version)
In game image of Shadowrun on the Sega Nomad.
In Game
Title screen of Shadowrun on the Sega Nomad.
Title Screen
Box cover for Shadowrun on the Sega Nomad.

The year is 2050 and the megacorps rule by the power of information. everyone is on file in the global mainframe... everyone but you and a handful of "invisible" outlaws called shadowrunners. Move through the grim and magical realities of futuristic Seattle and uncover a diabolical plot that could destroy the world. Team up with spell casting mages, wire-headed deckers, or mythic orcs and trolls of the distant past. Take on a variety of shadowruns including: Cleaning up the streets, jacking into the Matrix for a big time cyber-heist or pulling off a risky "Corporate Extraction." Stalk the cities in real-time combat and glide through the virtual battlefield of the Matrix, where an encounter with Black ICE may be your last!

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