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Publisher:Electronic Arts  ?              No-Intro:N/A
Developer:Team Fusion  ?              GoodName:FIFA Soccer
Year:Unknown              TOSEC:N/A
Category:Sports              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:Download              Game Music:N/A

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In game image of FIFA on the Sony PSP.
In Game
Title screen of FIFA on the Sony PSP.
Title Screen
Box cover for FIFA on the Sony PSP.
Artwork on the Disc for FIFA on the Sony PSP.
Arcade Cabinet Marquee for FIFA.

The best-selling and most critically-acclaimed football game of all time returns for a new season -and it's still on top form. A completely new game and graphics engine brings with it a whole new level of realism and control, as well as a host of new features demanded by the fans.

The world's premier football sim goes up a league

Create your own custom chants to play online

Players are modelled more realistically than ever

Fight for possession with the new 360 degree collisions

The FIFA games are already renowned for their depth and accuracy but the new Pro Passing controls bring the onscreen action even closer to the real thing. Combined with improved man-to-man interactions this not only looks like football it plays like it too, with all its subtlety and intricacy.

It's not just the on-pitch action that's been improved though, as the new career mode ensures the most comprehensive player manager simulation ever seen in a sports game. With new player models and body types, new customisations options and new online modes this is the ultimate version of the ultimate football game.

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