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CID the Dummy - Valve Steam

Publisher:TWELVE  ?              Steam ID:45900
Developer:TWELVE  ?              GoodName:N/A
Year:Unknown              TOSEC:N/A
Category:Unknown              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:N/A              Game Music:N/A

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Banner artwork for CID the Dummy.

In a world obsessed with safety the once lowly Crash Impact Dummy has risen to a position of great importance amongst us. Their day job - crashing, smashing, checking, re-checking and re-rechecking everything from lemonade to escalators to make the world a better place.

Now, the Crash Impact Dummy inventor, Dr. B.M.Werken, has lost his daughter and has choosen CID THE DUMMY to rescueerrfind her.

A chance to rescue the most beautiful girl in the world? Could bea chance to crash and smash with real purpose? Definitely!

CID THE DUMMY is a platform game that grabs you straight away with its amusing blend of action and puzzle-filled game play. Based around the multiple opportunities for a Crash Impact Dummy to get into mischief, the game blends classic platform elements such as timed jumps, collecting pick-ups, defeating enemies, and challenging boss battles with more cerebral elements such as puzzles, clever weapon use and route finding.

20 game levels including stunt car driving levels and end of level bosses

In-depth game play to solve puzzles and defeat enemies with force or stealth

Tutorial levels to learn CIDs skills

Sophisticated enemy AI used to create a full range of monstrous enemies each with unique attack tactics

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