This expansion for Democracy 3 adds new dilemmas and policies which allow you to exert subtle change upon your country. Income taxes and Economic policy are big blunt instruments, but with social engineering you get to influence the population in far subtler ways. From TV ad campaigns to promote healthy eating to free parenting classes, city farms and a smart-meter program, these policies use the more subtle 'nudge' techniques to encourage behavioral change amongst your population. A total of 26 completely new policies and 8 new dilemmas are available, regardless what country you are playing.
New Dilemmas:
Airport transport links
Banknote face
Prevent Doctors being bribed
Arrest/Employ Hackers
Attend Labor Day
Raunchy Popstar
Powerline construction
Allow singles to adopt
New Policies:
Healthy Eating Campaign
Cycling Campaign
Car-Pooling campaign
Keep The Country Tidy campaign
Tourism ad campaign
Alcohol awareness campaign
Business Startup campaign
Youth politics council
National armed forces week
Free Parenting classes
National business council
Social Justice foundation
Smart Meter program
Needle Exchange program
Stamp out racism week
Compulsory food labeling
Trade council
Compulsory foreign language classes
Labor day bank holiday
City farms
Eco-home regulations.
Young entrepreneur scheme
Diplomatic service
Witness protection program
Compulsory school sports
Bicycle subsidies