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Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II - Valve Steam

Publisher:PVKII Team  ?              Steam ID:17570
Developer:PVKII Team  ?              GoodName:N/A
Year:Unknown              TOSEC:N/A
Category:Unknown              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:N/A              Game Music:N/A

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Banner artwork for Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II.

Pirates, Vikings and Knights II pits three teams against each other in a struggle for wealth, power and total domination. The game features many different game modes including Territory, where players fight to control key locations in the map; Holy Grail, where players seek to hold the holy trinket and use its powers against the other teams; Booty, where players fight to capture and hold chests of treasure; and more.

Play as the Pirate Captain with a peg leg and attack parrot, the Heavy Knight with a full set of armor and a powerful great sword, or the Viking Berserker whose lust for battle sometimes turns him into an unstoppable killing machine. Other classes included in the game are the Skirmisher, Huscarl, Gestir and Archer with future classes including the Sniper, Assassin, Swashbuckler, Bondi, Man-at-Arms, Cleric, Seio-Kona and 'Ealer.

Whether using the Keg of Gunpowder to clear out a territory full of enemies or the Javelin to pin your dead foes to a wall, you'll find this game to be both hilarious and exhilarating.

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