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Serious Sam 3: BFE Bonus Pack - Valve Steam

Publisher:Devolver Digital  ?              Steam ID:200330
Developer:Croteam  ?              GoodName:N/A
Year:Unknown              TOSEC:N/A
Category:Unknown              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:N/A              Game Music:N/A

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Banner artwork for Serious Sam 3: BFE Bonus Pack.

Purchase the Bonus Pack and receive the following extras (available for PC, Mac and linux) for Serious Sam 3: BFE:

Original Soundtrack* - Collection of 40 amazing soundtracks, specially composed by Damjan Mravunac and Undercode, spanning the entire Serious Sam 3 experience!

Brett Sanderson Headless Kamikaze - Timed Exclusive Item: Bonus Multiplayer Character! Play as Brett Sanderson Headless Kamikaze, a headless man who decided to volunteer to be a Beheaded Kamikaze, because he wanted a lot more excitement in his life, and nothing is more exciting that running around without a head with bombs in your hands!

Sniper Scope - Timed Exclusive DLC: Bonus In-game Weapon Upgrade! Use sniper scope for the powerful AS-24 "Devastator" Weapon!

Documentary Video** - Making-Of Serious Sam 3: BFE video featuring behind-the-scenes footage and exclusive developer interviews with Croteam members. This documentary takes a look at how the game was made, going all the way back to the roots of this award-winning Serious Sam series that took the world by surprise in 2001.

Digital Artbook*** - The digital art book contains 42 pages of stunning full color artwork from a famous comic book artist Stjepan Sejic (a.k.a. Nebezial and Shienez on devianART), famous for his illustration work on Witchblade and now on his own comic books Ravine and Sunstone!

Box Art*** - Includes DVD label and DVD sleeve (front and back), so you can create your own retail Serious Sam 3 DVD box!

Posters - Featuring 5 high-res images of Serious Sam, Scythian Witch-Harpy, Scrapjack and Witch-Bride of Achriman, and all created by Sejic!

Videos*** - Collection of high-res promotional Serious Sam 3: BFE trailers and videos, including official Serious Sam 3: BFE Trailer, Help-Line Videos and more.

* All songs are presented in AAC, FLAC and WMA formats and placed in your Serious Sam 3 folder in the Steam Directory: ...Steam\steamapps\common\Serious Sam 3 Serious Digital Edition Bonus\ (Soundtrack_Aac\, Soundtrack_Flac\ and Soundtrack_Wma\)

** This item is only available in Croatian audio with English sub-titles

*** These items are only available in English

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