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Chimera - Watara Supervision

Publisher:Supervision  ?              No-Intro:Chimera
Developer:Supervision  ?              GoodName:Chimera
Year:1992              TOSEC:Chimera
Category:Action              MAME:N/A
Game Manual:N/A              Game Music:

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In game image of Chimera on the Watara Supervision.
In Game
Title screen of Chimera on the Watara Supervision.
Title Screen
Box cover for Chimera on the Watara Supervision.
Cartridge artwork for Chimera on the Watara Supervision.
Arcade Cabinet Marquee for Chimera.

A one player action game published and developed by Supervision in 1992.

Most viewed Watara Supervision games:
 Alien (1992)
 Kabi Island: Gold in Island (1992)
 Hero Kid (1992)
 Balloon Fight (1992)
 Grand Prix (1992)
 Olympic Trials (1992)
 PacBoy & Mouse (1992)
 Penguin Hideout (1992)
 Jaguar Bomber (1992)
 Carrier (1992)
 Matta Blatta (1992)
 Tasac 2010 (1992)
 Challenger Tank
 Police Bust (1992)
 Cave Wonder (1992)
 Galaxy Fighter (1992)
 Galactic Crusader
 Final Combat (1992)
 Delta Hero (1992)
 Hash Blocks (1991)
 Treasure Hunter (1992)

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