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Eighth Generation Systems (Wikipedia)

  Nintendo Wii U
Eighth Generation Systems


Play your favorite classic games and more with the GameEx front end. Read more.

Most viewed Eighth Generation games:
 007 Legends
 Wheel of Fortune
 Call of Duty - Black Ops II
 Madden NFL 13
 Watch Dogs
 Amazing Spider-Man, The - Ultimate Edition
 Assassin's Creed IV - Black Flag
 Call of Duty - Ghosts
 Amazing Spider-Man 2, The
 Ninja Gaiden 3 - Razor's Edge
 Tekken Tag Tournament 2 - Wii U Edition
 Need for Speed - Most Wanted U
 Darksiders II
 Batman - Arkham City - Armored Edition
 FIFA Soccer 13
 Resident Evil - Revelations
 Batman - Arkham Origins
 Wipeout 3
 NBA 2K13
 Assassin's Creed III

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