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Second Generation Systems (Wikipedia)

  Atari 2600
  Atari 5200
  Bally Astrocade
  Coleco Vision
  Emerson Arcadia 2001
  Entex Adventure Vision
  Fairchild Channel F
  GCE Vectrex
  Interton VC 4000
  Magnavox Odyssey 2
  Mattel Intellivision
  RCA Studio II
  Sega SG-1000
  VTech CreatiVision
Second Generation Systems


Play your favorite classic games and more with the GameEx front end. Read more.

Most viewed Second Generation games:
 Pac-Man (1982) (Atari 5200)
 Burger Time (1982) (Mattel Intellivision)
 Space Invaders (1980) (Atari 2600)
 Sea Battle (1980) (Mattel Intellivision)
 NASL Soccer (1980) (Mattel Intellivision)
 Pac-Man (1983) (Coleco Vision)
 Pac-Man (1983) (Mattel Intellivision)
 Horse Racing (1980) (Mattel Intellivision)
 Mario Bros. (1983) (Atari 2600)
 Swedish Erotica: Custer's Revenge (1983) (Atari 2600)
 Utopia (1981) (Mattel Intellivision)
 Swords and Serpents (1982) (Mattel Intellivision)
 Donkey Kong (1982) (Mattel Intellivision)
 Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Cloudy Mountain (1982) (Mattel Intellivision)
 Q*bert (1983) (Atari 5200)
 B-17 Bomber (1982) (Mattel Intellivision)
 Dig Dug (1983) (Atari 5200)
 Pac-Man (1981) (Atari 2600)
 Frogger (1983) (Coleco Vision)
 Pole Position (1983) (Atari 2600)
 Galaxian (1982) (Atari 5200)

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