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darkmist: MAME ROM Information.


The Lost Castle In Darkmist (c) 1986 Taito.

A vertically scrolling fighting game where the player controls a knight who battles against a variety of magical characters. Collect potions, power-ups and bonus items from the treasure chests left by slain enemies. Defeat the boss enemies to proceed to the next level.


Main CPU : Z80 (x2)

Sound Chips : YM2151

Players : 2

Control : 8-way Joystick

Buttons : 2


Even if titlescreen says 1986, The Lost Castle In Darkmist was released in January 1987 in Japan.

A music for Darkmist is available on "Legend of Game Music 2 - Platinum Box" (SCDC-00473 - 00482 1.18.2006). This box has 8 CDs + 2 DVDs and Darkmist is on the Taito one (SCDC-00475).


Game's rom.

MAME Info:

0.96u3 [Tomasz Slanina, David Haywood]


- 0.142u3: Angelo Salese removed deprecat.h dependancy and updated irqs accordingly for Darkmist.

- 0.127: Lord Nightmare updated the T5182 documentation/pinout.

- 0.123u1: Changed palettesize to 1024 colors.

- 0.112u4: Nicola Salmora, Lord Nightmare and Ernesto Corvi added T5182 support, which gives sound to Darkmist, Mustache Boy and Panic Road. Added Z80 (3579545 Hz) CPU2, YM2151 (3579545) sound and T5182 rom (cpu2).

- 0.107u4: Brian Troha fixed the dips for Darkmist. Added dipswitches 'Coin A/B', 'Bonus Life', 'Demo Sounds' and 'Unknown'.

- 0.105u3: Sonikos fixed some dipswitches and added controls for 2nd player in cocktail mode in Lost Castle In Darkmist. Added dipswitches 'Service Mode', 'Cabinet', 'Difficulty' and 'Lives'.

- 0.104u2: Tomasz Slanina and Nicola Salmoria fixed Darkmist - Game now playable. Added proms ($0 - 500, color lookup tables).

- 12th February 2006: Tomasz Slanina - Correct colors and sprite banking in Darkmist (nice game btw).

- 0.104u1: Tomasz Slanina improved the darkmist driver. Fixed cpu2/gfx2/gfx3/user rom loading and added 'TEST MODE', 'Free Play' and several 'x-x' dipswitches.

- 27th January 2006: Tomasz Slanina - Darkmist is almost playable now, with bad colors, gfx glitches, and without sound (custom cpu).

- 26th January 2006: Tomasz Slanina - A little progress in Darkmist emulation. Nicola decrypted graphics in Darkmist (0.103u4), but sprite/bg(?) gfx is still shuffled around. Background tile layer is messy (check the last screen with bgl enabled).

- 0.103u4: Nicola Salmoria decrypted graphics in 'The Lost Castle In Darkmist'. Fixed gfx1/2/3 rom loading.

- 0.97u3: Tomasz Slanina decrypted tilemaps in Darkmist and added info about missing proms. Fixed gfx1/2/3/4/5 and user1/2 rom loading.

- 0.96u3: Tomasz Slanina and David Haywood added 'The Lost Castle In Darkmist' (Taito 1986).

- 3rd November 2003: Guru - Dark Mist (Taito 1986) arrived with the donation of several people and MAMEWorld.

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Romset: 666 kb / 24 files / 330.5 zip

MAME XML Output:

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              <description>The Lost Castle In Darkmist</description>
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              <driver status="imperfect" emulation="good" color="good" sound="good" graphic="imperfect" cocktail="preliminary" savestate="unsupported" palettesize="1024"/>

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