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dragoona: MAME ROM Information.


Dragoon Might (c) 1995 Konami.

12 selectable characters fight each other in a single tournament or a three vs three team battle. This fighting game features weapons zoom and big stage.


Konami GX hardware

Game ID : GX417

Main CPU : 68EC020 (@ 26.4 Mhz)

Sound CPU : 68000 (@ 9.2 Mhz)

Sound Chips : (2x) K054539 (@ 48 Khz)

Players : 2

Control : 8-way joystick

Buttons : 6

=> Light Punch, Medium Punch, Heavy Punch, Light Kick, Medium Kick, Heavy Kick


Released in August 1995.

King Records released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Dragoon Might Original Game Soundtrack - KICA-7691) on 24/01/1996.


In version AAB (Asian version), the default Violent Mode is Bloody Level 1, which makes the game display a bit of green blood.

In version JAA (Japanese version), the default Violent Mode is Bloody Level 3, which makes the game display a lot of red blood.


Software Designers : Garam, Tomoaki Yoshinobu, N-Man, Aki. T, Takeaki Hasegawa, Oolong-T

Character Designers : Asadon, Taro Maru, Kanbanmusume, New Snack Z, Acky 4, MZD-Takepon, MZD-Moocho, 473, T. Matsumoto, Takahiro-Z, Kihatchy, Ikuya Nakamura, MZD-Nick Boss, MZD-Mommy, Wackachan, Michukun

Sound Designers : Ary, Kage

Hardware Designer : V Kobe Yzz

Product Designer : Kazushi Iwashita

Special Thanks: T. Tanimoto, Akiyoshi, Kato, Shohei, Maekawa, Matsuoka

Directors : Asadon, Tomohiro Ishimoto

Producer : Masahiro Inoue


Game's rom.

MAME Info:

0.79 [R. Belmont]

0.68 [Acho A. Tang, R. Belmont]

0.67 [?]


- 0.105u5: Twisty fixed 'Flip_Screen' dipswitch in clone (ver JAA).

- 0.98u1: Changed description to 'Dragoon Might (ver AAB)' and clone '(Japan ver JAA)' to '(ver JAA)'.

- 0.97u5: Changed description to 'Dragoon Might (Asia ver AAB)' and clone '(ver JAA)' to '(Japan ver JAA)'.

- 0.79: R. Belmont added Dragoon Might (ver AAB).

- 19th January 2004: R. Belmont - Added new Asian version dumps for Soccer Superstars and Dragoon Might (both System GX).

- 0.68: Acho A. Tang added Dragoon Might (Ver JAA) (Konami 1995).

- 4th May 2003: Acho A. Tang submitted a major improvement to the Konami GX driver, improving the graphics emulation and emulating the ESC protection in Salamander 2, Dragoon Might and Tokimeki Memorial Puzzle-dama, making them all playable.

- 0.67: Added Dragoon Might (Ver JAA) (Testdriver).


Recommended Games (Fighter):

Street Smart

Violence Fight

Solitary Fighter

Art of Fighting

Art of Fighting 2

Art of Fighting 3

Fit of Fighting

Burning Rival

World Heroes

World Heroes 2

World Heroes 2 Jet

World Heroes Perfect

The History of Martial Arts

Fighter's History

Karnov's Revenge / Fighter's History Dynamite

Martial Champion

Power Instinct / Gouketsuji Ichizoku

Power Instinct 2

Groove on Fight - Gouketsuji Ichizoku 3

Gogetsuji Legends

Tao Taido

Aggressors of Dark Kombat

Alien Challenge

Best Of Best

Kaiser Knuckle

Dragoon Might

Savage Reign


Breakers Revenge

Kizuna Encounter

SD Fighters

Touki Denshou -Angel Eyes-

JoJo's Venture

JoJo no Kimyouna Bouken: Miraie no Isan



Rage of the Dragons

Fist Of The North Star

Melty Blood Act Cadenza

Melty Blood Actress Again

Akatsuki Blitzkampf Ausf Achse

Romset: 23809 kb / 17 files / 10.4 zip

MAME XML Output:

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