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f1gp2: MAME ROM Information.


F-1 Grand Prix Part. II (c) 1992 Video System.

An overhead-view F-1 racing game.


Main CPU : (2x) 68000 (@ 10 Mhz)

Sound CPU : Z80 (@ 4 Mhz)

Sound Chips : YM2610 (@ 8 Mhz)

Screen orientation : Vertical

Video resolution : 224 x 320 pixels

Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz

Palette colors : 2048

Players : 1

Control : 8-way joystick

Buttons : 3


Released in November 1992.


1. F-1 Grand Prix (1991)

2. F-1 Grand Prix Part. II (1992)


Sound composed : Soushi Hosoi


* Consoles :

Nintendo Super Famicom (1993)


Game's rom.

MAME Info:

0.63 [Nicola Salmoria]


- 0.143u3: Changed 'Unknown' to 'Unused' dipswitches.

- 0.136u4: Corrado Tomaselli fixed inverted buttons 1 and 2 on F-1 Grand Prix Part II. They are Jamma standards boards: Brake button is wired to pin 22 and acceleration button to pin 23 which are respectively button 1 and 2 in a jamma standard pinout.

- 0.135u4: Fabio Priuli added driver data struct and save states to F-1 Grand Prix driver. Added device versions of all the Konami custom ICs currently emulated in machine\konamiic.c and video\konamiic.c. Updated F-1 Grand Prix driver to use the new code.

- 0.131u1: MooglyGuy merged memory maps in F1GP driver.

- 0.126u5: Added 'Unused' dipswitch.

- 0.122u6: Changed Z80 CPU3 clock speed to 5MHz.

- 25th March 2004: Guru - F1 Grand Prix Star II (Jaleco 1993) arrived from Randy.

- 0.63: Nicola Salmoria added F-1 Grand Prix Part II ("Video System Co. 1992).

- 30th December 2002: Nicola Salmoria improved F-1 Grand Prix Part II, it's now playable and graphics and sound was fixed.

- 26th December 2002: Nicola Salmoria added F-1 Grand Prix Part II to the f1gp driver but it has graphics glitches and gameplay problems.

Other Emulators:

* FB Alpha

Recommended Games (F1):

Monte Carlo

Super Speed Race

Grand Champion

Imola Grand Prix

Chequered Flag

F-1 Dream

Dirt Fox

Tail to Nose

F-1 Grand Prix

F-1 Grand Prix Part II

Romset: 12288 kb / 13 files / 3.80 zip

MAME XML Output:

       <game name="f1gp2" sourcefile="f1gp.c">
              <description>F-1 Grand Prix Part II</description>
              <manufacturer>Video System Co.</manufacturer>
              <rom name="rom12.v1" size="131072" crc="c5c5f199" sha1="56fcbf1d9b15a37204296c578e1585599f76a107" region="maincpu" offset="0"/>
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                     <dipvalue name="Multiple" value="0"/>
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                     <dipvalue name="Single or Multi Player" value="8" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="Multi Player Game Only" value="0"/>
                     <dipvalue name="Multi Player Off" value="8" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="Multi Player Off" value="0"/>
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              <driver status="good" emulation="good" color="good" sound="good" graphic="good" cocktail="preliminary" savestate="supported" palettesize="2048"/>

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