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gunblade: MAME ROM Information.


Gunblade NY - Special Air Assault Force (c) 1995 Sega.

Gunblade NY is an eye-popping, chase-oriented, futuristic-style military gun shooting game that pits you as a sniper of sorts against a horde of crazy Android Terrorists who are causing nothing but trouble in a futuristic large city in the United States of America.

Gunblade NY was pretty popular at the arcades mainly because you can shoot down the enemy missiles and as you destroy the crazy androids, you are 'locked' through the android so that you can destroy them one at a time.


Sega Model 2B hardware

Main CPU : i960KB (@ 25 Mhz), 68000 (@ 12 Mhz), (2x) ADSP21062 (@ 40 Mhz)

Sound Chips : SCSP (@ 40 Mhz)

Players : 2

Control : 8-way joystick

Buttons : 4


Even if title screen says 1995, Gunblade NY was released in April 1996 in Japan.

The designers of this game actually went to New York to get the buildings and locations of the city exactly right, from Times Square to 5th Avenue to the United Nations building.


* Special Attacks : During the 3rd and 4th stages of the difficult course, shoot the androids feet to knock them in the water, they will blow up on contact. After you defeat the boss character in the third stage of the difficult course, he will run away. While he's retreating, shoot the oil drums and explosive boxes around him; if you do this the boss at he end of the fourth level will be partially destroyed when he appears.

* Multiple Endings : If you don't destroy the missile carrier truck at the end of the second stage in the difficult course, your superior officer will hit you. If you finish either course without continuing, a group of butterflies will fly by. If you pull on the machine gun levers during the ending scene on the easy course, a giant dragonfly will fly by. If you do this during the difficult course ending scene, a submarine or large shark will follow the ship.


1. Gunblade NY - Special Air Assault Force (1995)

2. L.A.Machineguns - Rage of the Machines (1998)


Planner & Director : Makoto Yamamoto

Planner & Assistant director : Shinichi Ogasawara

Chef programmer : Kenji Tohma

Programmers : Masaaki Ito, Tetsuya Hamada

Chef designer : Kiyoshi Miyagi

Designers : Noriko Omizo, Sachio Hatayama, Kunio Watanabe, Megumi Matsuda, Minori Hisamatsu, Hiromi Ito, Shinsuke Miyamura

Sound : Naoki Tokiwa, Kentaro Koyama

Mechanical engineers : Tomoya Takasugi, Yasuo Ishikawa, Nariyuki Iwase, Toshiya Yamaguchi, Motohiko Higashiguchi

Electrical engineers : Tomoyuki Goto, Hiroki Koyama, Hideki Inoue

Cabinet designers : Yutaka Okumura, Yasunobu Komori, Minoru Matsuba, Hiroyuki Naito

Technical support : Kenji Watanabe

Voice actors & English coordination : Hisaki Nimiya, Rika Terashima

Publicity : Norimasa Yatsuzuka

Producer : Mie Kumagai

General manager : Hisao Oguchi


* Consoles :

Nintendo Wii (2010, "Gunblade NY and LA Machine Guns - Arcade Hits")


Game's rom.

Machine's picture.

MAME Info:

0.87u1 [R. Belmont]


- 0.127u1: Changed description to 'Gunblade NY (Revision A)'.

- 0.87u1: R. Belmont added Gunblade NY (Sega 1995).


Other Emulators:

* Model 2

Recommended Games (Helicopter 3D):

Cobra Command


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Gunblade NY

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Romset: 58880 kb / 17 files / 15.5 zip

MAME XML Output:

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              <description>Gunblade NY (Revision A)</description>
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