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higemaru: MAME ROM Information.


Pirate Ship Higemaru (c) 1984 Capcom.

Take on the role of Momotaro who must launch barrels at enemies to stop the evil Higemaru pirates.


Main CPU : Z80 (@ 4 Mhz)

Sound Chips : (2x) AY8910 (@ 1.5 Mhz)

Players : 2

Control : 4-way joystick

Buttons : 1


Released in September 1984.

This game features one of the first game soundtracks composed by Tamayo Kawamoto, who made also other Capcom 80's BGM. She now works at Taito : she's a member of Zuntata, the popular (well, in Japan) Taito band where she plays keyboards.


1. Pirate Ship Higemaru (1984)

2. Higemaru Makaijima - Nanatsu no Shima Daibouken [Model CAP-MZ] (1987, Nintendo Famicom)


Staff : Toshio Arima, T. Hara, Y. Maki, Ayano Mori, K. Kamimori, H. Fujinaka, Yoshiki Okamoto, R. Miyamoto

Music composed by : Tamayo Kawamoto

Director: Tokuro Fujiwara


* Consoles :

Sega Saturn [JP] (Oct.1998, "Capcom Generation Dai 3 Shou Koko ni Rekkishi Hajimaru [Model T-1234G]")

Sony PlayStation [JP] (Oct.1998, "Capcom Generation Dai 3 Shou Koko ni Rekkishi Hajimaru [Model SLPS-01649]")

Sony PlayStation [JP] (Apr.2001, "Capcom Generation Dai 3 Shou Koko ni Rekkishi Hajimaru [Model SLPM-86811]")

Sony PlayStation [JP] (May.2005, "Capcom Retro Game Collection Vol.3 [Model SLPM-87362]")

Sony PlayStation 2 [JP] (Mar.2005, "Capcom Classics Collection [Model SLPM-66317]")

Sony PlayStation 2 [US] (Sep.2005, "Capcom Classics Collection [Model SLUS-21316]")

Sony PlayStation 2 [EU] (Nov.2005, "Capcom Classics Collection [Model SLES-53661]")

Microsoft XBOX [US] (Sep.2005, "Capcom Classics Collection")

Microsoft XBOX [EU] (Nov.2005, "Capcom Classics Collection")

Sony PSP [JP] (Sep.2006, "Capcom Classics Collection [Model ULJM-05104]")

Sony PSP [US] (Oct.2006, "Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded [Model ULUS-10134]")

Sony PSP [EU] (Nov.2006, "Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded [Model ULES-00377]")

Sony PSP [JP] (Sep.2007, "Capcom Classics Collection [Best Price] [Model ULJM-05280]")

Sony PlayStation 2 [JP] (Oct.2007, "Capcom Classics Collection [Best Price] [Model SLPM-66852]")

Sony PSP [EU] (Jul.2010, "Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded [PSP Essentials]")


Game's rom.

MAME Info:

0.34b1 [Mirko Buffoni]


- Press P1 Button1 during boot to enter service mode. Use P1 joystick and button, then press START1 to go to next screen.


- 0.143u8: Angelo Salese removed deprecat.h usage from Pirate Ship Higemaru.

- 0.135u3: Fabio Priuli added driver data struct and save states to Pirate Ship Higemaru.

- 0.131u3: Stefan Lindberg corrected Z80 CPU1 clock speed to 3MHz in Pirate Ship Higemaru.

- 0.131u1: MooglyGuy merged memory maps in Pirate Ship Higemaru.

- 0.127u8: Fixed rom names.

- 0.123u1: Zsolt Vasvari removed color tables from Pirate Ship Higemaru. Added RESNET color computations where appropriate. Changed palettesize to 384 colors.

- 0.71: Changed description to 'Pirate Ship Higemaru'.

- 25th March 2003: Stefan Jokisch sent in further updates to the old Capcom drivers, fixing minor graphics glitches in Son Son and Higemaru.

- 0.37b6: Added proms ($220, 320 - interrupt/video timing?).

- 0.36b12: Changed description to 'Pirate Ship Higemaru'.

- 0.36b9: Changed clock speed of the 2x AY-8910 to 1.5MHz.

- 0.34b3: Juan Carlos Lorente added high score saving to HigeMaru.

- 0.34b1: Mirko Buffoni added HigeMaru (Capcom 1984).

- 16th July 1998: J-ROM dumped Pirate Ship Higemaru (c)1984 CAPCOM.

LEVELS: 16 (endless)

Other Emulators:

* FB Alpha


Recommended Games (Maze Pengo):





Kick Boy

Mr. Jong

Rock Duck

Scrambled Egg

Pirate Ship Higemaru

Rumba Lumber


Kitten Kaboodle

Meikyu Jima

Yam! Yam!?


Three Wonders - Don't Pull Puzzle

Mr. Kicker

Recommended Games (Pirates):


Pirate Pete

Pirate Treasure

Pirate Ship Higemaru

Captain Silver


Skull & Crossbones

Czernyj Korabl



Romset: 58 kb / 12 files / 30.4 zip

MAME XML Output:

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              <description>Pirate Ship Higemaru</description>
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