hvysmsh: MAME ROM Information. History:
Heavy Smash - The Future Sports (c) 1993 Data East.
Main CPU : ARM (@ 14 Mhz)
Sound Chips : OKI6295 (@ 7.575 Khz), OKI6295 (@ 15.151 Khz)
Players : 2
Control : 8-way Joystick
Buttons : 6
Released in July 1993.
Game Designer : Hidenobu Ito
Game Design Backup : Masaki Beg Sakari
Programmer : Yas-Nomura, Magical, Kobari Oobari Mishinbari
Obj Designer : Mori No Ouja, Oguri, Sanjino Kori-Kori, Hiroshi Koga, Kureto Shii, T. Hiro
Back Designer : Hirakata Oyaji 30 Over
Design Backup : Asami Nyaa Kaneko, Seiji Sato
Sound : Maro
Hardware : Katsuhide Tohya
Project Leader : Nice Guy Sano
Game's rom.
MAME Info:
0.129u4 [Mexa]
0.84 [David Haywood]
- 0.137u4: Mamesick fixed a palette problem in Heavy Smash since MAME 0.135u2.
- 0.136u4: Fabio Priuli added driver_data class and save states to DECO156 driver.
- 0.135u2: Fabio Priuli converted the DECO156 driver to use EEPROM device.
- 0.129u4: Mexa added Heavy Smash (Europe version -2). Renamed (hvysmsh) to (hvysmshj).
- 0.122u6: David Haywood tweaked deco156 clock speed to be 28 to prevent the games from running in slow motion. I suspect the 156 chip has an internal multiplier, the usual input pin is 7Mhz IIRC. Changed ARM CPU1 clock speed to 28MHz.
- 0.109u4: Robiza fixed VIDEO_UPDATE in Heavy Smash and World Cup Volley '95.
- 0.106u2: Corrado Tomaselli added clone Heavy Smash (Asia version -4).
- 24th May 2006: Corrado Tomaselli dumped Heavy Smash (Asia version -4).
- 0.103u3: David Haywood converted World Cup Volley '95 and Heavy Smash to use the 16-bit DECO tilemap functions.
- 0.103u1: Bryan McPhail and Pierpaolo Prazzoli fixed the DECO 156 driver. Heavy Smash is pretty much perfect - Game now playable. Changed parent description to 'Heavy Smash (Japan version -2)'. Changed ARM CPU1 clock speed to 14MHz. Added OKI6295 (7575 Hz) and OKI6295 (15151 Hz) sound. Changed visible area to 320x240.
- 31st December 2005: Bryan McPhail - Due to pressing deadlines in 'real' work, this took somewhat longer than I thought to finish off. Unfortunately, although all Deco156 games now boot in MAME, only Night Slashers and Heavy Smash are properly playable. All the other games make use of a math co-processor which is not yet understood. Of the broken games Skull Fang works the most - the attract mode is fully correct, and it's playable up to the first boss. The other games mostly have serious gameplay errors (eg, AI players do not respond correctly in Hoops). Sound is also bust in all of the new games.
- 0.98u4: Bunch of changes/fixes to the DECO156 drivers [David Haywood]: Hooked up EEPROM correctly. Fixed sound ROM decoding and banking. Fixed tile banking. Fixed video priorities.
- 31st July 2005: David Haywood - Final 156 update for tonight... General: Added Sprites, EEPROM settings don't work on any game and No Sound. Magical Drop / Magical Drop Plus / Chain Reaction: This is highly unstable and prone to crashing, I'm not too sure if its due to protection or CPU bugs, none of the other games behave this badly. Gameplay is also very sluggish. Osman / Cannon Dancer: Still doesn't boot without going into the debugger. Has problems with Sprite colours (16-bit ram on 32-bit bus maybe?) and tile banking. Also tilemaps don't seem large enough at the moment. Party Time: Seems quite playable, some tile bank problems. Charlie Ninja: Tilemaps aren't big enough, sprites are a bad dump, some scrolling problems on title screen.. (I'm sure it was ok before). Joe And Mac Returns: Playable, although I can set it to either a very fast speed, or a very sluggish speed depending on Vblank, I'm not sure which is correct... Completed a few levels and it didn't crash so it seems ok.
- 30th July 2005: David Haywood - 3 Weeks of staring at numbers solid until 4am, a bit of teamwork with key developers, and we have our first results... (Magical Drop (Deco 156) shows the message: WARNING - GAME MODE SETTING ERROR). Its not much, but maybe a sign of things to come. Update: I moved from Magical Drop to Joe and Mac Returns. Note that the tile roms on both sets are bad dumps, hence the corruption in the screenshots. Sprites haven't been added. Fixed the tile banking for the platforms. 2nd Update: Found a way to get Osman to boot via the debugger and it appears we can fix the Joe & Mac Returns tile rom by using bits from each of the bad dumps. None of these will be playable until the protection has been worked out however.
- 0.98u2: Some progress on the Deco 156 encryption [David Haywood].
- 0.84: David Haywood added Heavy Smash (Data East 1993). All games on this driver have encrypted code, they may also have additional protection but at this stage that is unknown. The current hold-up is the encryption. They use Data East Custom Chip 'DE156' which is probably the main processor. It might be an encrypted ARM7 based cpu. This driver may be split up when (if) the actual code is decrypted as the games are not on identical hardware.
- 21st February 2003: Guru - Heavy Smash (Data East 1993) arrived. Special thanks to Gin (our Japanese contact) for making it all happen again. The dumping project wishes to thank all the people who donated towards this particular raid, including Gin, slaanesh, gnoppi, Louis T., wtc4ever, Renaud D., phys32, R. Belmont, fiji, Amnios and an anonymous donator.
Romset: 9728 kb / 7 files / 6.14 zip
MAME XML Output:
   | <game name="hvysmsh" sourcefile="deco156.c"> |
   |    | <description>Heavy Smash (Europe version -2)</description> |
   |    | <year>1993</year> |
   |    | <manufacturer>Data East Corporation</manufacturer> |
   |    | <rom name="lt00-2.2j" size="524288" crc="f6e10fc0" sha1="76189260ca0a79500d62c4aa8e3aed6cfca3e102" region="maincpu" offset="2"/> |
   |    | <rom name="lt01-2.3j" size="524288" crc="ce2a75e2" sha1="4119a3175d7c394041197f01523a6eaa3d9ba398" region="maincpu" offset="0"/> |
   |    | <rom name="mbg-00.9a" size="2097152" crc="7d94eb16" sha1="31cf5302eba37e935865822aebd76c700bc51eaf" region="gfx1" offset="0"/> |
   |    | <rom name="mbg-01.10a" size="2097152" crc="bcd7fb29" sha1="a54a813b5adcb4df0bfdd58285b1f8e17fbbb7a2" region="gfx2" offset="0"/> |
   |    | <rom name="mbg-02.11a" size="2097152" crc="0cc16440" sha1="1cbf620a9d875ec87dd28a97a256584b6ef277cd" region="gfx2" offset="1"/> |
   |    | <rom name="mbg-03.10k" size="524288" crc="4b809420" sha1="ad0278745002320804a31af0b772f9ab5f075027" region="oki1" offset="0"/> |
   |    | <rom name="mbg-04.11k" size="2097152" crc="2281c758" sha1="934691b4002ecd6bc9a09b8970ff18a09451d492" region="oki2" offset="0"/> |
   |    | <chip type="cpu" tag="maincpu" name="ARM" clock="28000000"/> |
   |    | <chip type="audio" tag="lspeaker" name="Speaker"/> |
   |    | <chip type="audio" tag="rspeaker" name="Speaker"/> |
   |    | <chip type="audio" tag="oki1" name="OKI6295" clock="1000000"/> |
   |    | <chip type="audio" tag="oki2" name="OKI6295" clock="2000000"/> |
   |    | <display tag="screen" type="raster" rotate="0" width="320" height="240" refresh="58.000000" /> |
   |    | <sound channels="2"/> |
   |    | <input players="2" buttons="6" coins="2" service="yes"> |
   |    |    | <control type="joy" ways="8"/> |
   |    | </input> |
   |    | <driver status="good" emulation="good" color="good" sound="good" graphic="good" savestate="supported" palettesize="1024"/> |