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megat2a: MAME ROM Information.


Pit Boss II Megatouch II (c) 1994 Merit Industries, Inc.


Game's ROM.

MAME Info:

0.140u2 [Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]

0.140u1 [Mariusz Wojcieszek, f205v, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]


- 0.145u4: Anondumper added clone Pit Boss Megatouch II (9255-10-06 ROE, California version).

- 0.143u1: Brian Troha and The Dumping Union added clone Pit Boss Megatouch II (9255-10-01 ROD, Standard version).

- 0.140u2: Smitdogg and The Dumping Union added 'Pit Boss Megatouch II (9255-10-01 ROE, Standard version)'. Renamed (megat2) to (megat2ca).

- 28th November 2010: Smitdogg - I found an old Megatouch board even older than the Pit Boss Megatouch II I got recently. Update: It comes up like the other Pit Boss Megatouch II I got, it's an earlier version of that and a general release/not region specific. So part one was first released either earlier in 94 or even 93.

- 0.140u1: Mariusz Wojcieszek, f205v, Smitdogg and The Dumping Union added Pit Boss Megatouch II (9255-10-06 ROG, California version) (Merit 1994).

Recommended Games:

Pit Boss Megatouch II

Megatouch III

Megatouch IV

Megatouch 5

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Romset: 2048 kb / 4 files / 664.6 zip

MAME XML Output:

       <game name="megat2a" sourcefile="meritm.c" cloneof="megat2" romof="megat2">
              <description>Pit Boss Megatouch II (9255-10-01 ROD, Standard version)</description>
              <rom name="qs9235-01_u5oru32-r0a" size="524288" crc="ec0c18f6" sha1="ae4f60f516097607249dbd902f8aacfe95acb065" region="maincpu" offset="0"/>
              <rom name="qs9235-01_u6oru36-r0" merge="qs9235-01_u6oru36-r0" size="524288" crc="0a358743" sha1="cc7c1b75e391204a7bdae2e1cecd9b55b572f8d5" region="maincpu" offset="100000"/>
              <rom name="qs9235-01_u7oru37-r0" merge="qs9235-01_u7oru37-r0" size="524288" crc="16643f83" sha1="347af99f535a8b473c8780067d5132add7fa0d8c" region="maincpu" offset="200000"/>
              <rom name="9255-10-01_u38-r0d" size="524288" crc="f43de55f" sha1="456b4098e22982d5f1c6f872684eefb473939747" region="maincpu" offset="300000"/>
              <chip type="cpu" tag="maincpu" name="Z80" clock="3578333"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="mono" name="Speaker"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="aysnd" name="AY-3-8910A" clock="1789166"/>
              <display tag="screen" type="raster" rotate="0" width="544" height="480" refresh="60.000000" />
              <sound channels="1"/>
              <input players="1" buttons="1" coins="1" service="yes">
                     <control type="lightgun" minimum="0" maximum="16383" sensitivity="45" keydelta="15"/>
              <driver status="imperfect" emulation="good" color="good" sound="good" graphic="imperfect" savestate="unsupported" palettesize="512"/>

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